Every Good & Perfect Gift
By Becca Broaddus
In November, Baylor announced the launch of Give Light, a $1.1 billion fundraising campaign designed to undergird the institution’s bold academic strategic plan, Illuminate. Focused on providing the financial framework needed to execute the goals and priorities of Illuminate, Give Light will focus on building support through a mix of endowed funds, capital projects and expendable funds that offer support across all areas of the University.
“We have set ambitious goals for the Hankamer School of Business (HSB) as part of the Give Light campaign,” Hankamer School of Business Dean Terry S. Maness said. “Campaigns such as these are critically important to innovative and imaginative approaches to teaching and research within our School. These initiatives push us to dream big, to stretch our minds beyond what we can do and look at what we should do. There are exciting ideas, plans and programs on the horizon, with many more to come. We hope our business alumni and the Baylor Family will be as excited as we are about this future we are envisioning for the Business School.”
With a goal of $125 million, HSB will seek to make significant investments that will further bolster HSB’s foundation of producing relevant, transformational academic programs while allowing for additional innovative programs to emerge—bringing Baylor Business continued opportunities to shape policy makers, problem solvers and ethical leaders. Highlighted within HSB’s overall goal are a number of academic initiatives that do just that.
HSB prepares its students to be leaders capable of shaping the national conversation surrounding issues of business, policy and ethics. In order to further strengthen this position, the Business School must invest in areas like the John F. Baugh Center for Entrepreneurship & Free Enterprise and the Robbins Institute for Health Policy & Leadership. The Baugh Center, which focuses on issues at the intersection of entrepreneurship and public policy, is part of the Business School’s nationally renowned Entrepreneurship and Free Enterprise program. The Robbins Institute provides an interdisciplinary foundation for HSB’s healthcare-related priorities. Through a range of initiatives, the Baugh Center and the Robbins Institute aim to become nationally recognized for their involvement in shaping the discussion surrounding public policy within their respective areas. Strategic growth and investment will allow the Baugh Center and the Robbins Institute to strengthen their positions as destinations for those who want not only to understand entrepreneurship and healthcare but who want to make a difference as policy makers and innovative leaders.
- Fund faculty and staff positions, providing resources for research and expanding the Baugh Center and Robbins Institute’s reach within their respective fields, further enhancing the national perspective on the School’s scholarly output and quality, industry-leading executives
- Provide continued support to host case competitions that allow HSB students to engage in simulations that hone skills and extend peer networks
- Generate resources to strengthen and grow the PhDs in Health Services Research and Entrepreneurship—providing greater opportunities for research and teaching, including the acquisition of critically important data sources from which to produce impactful research
- Bring to campus healthcare leaders from across the nation and globe who understand the complexities of global healthcare and the need for thoughtful policy makers
Baylor and HSB are adapting to ensure our students learn the skills necessary to meet the needs of an ever-changing business world. Data is at the center of most decisions in today’s business environment. While data analytics have been a part of the Baylor Business curriculum for years, the growing complexity of data collection, security and interpretation require a renewed energy and expanded scope in business analytics and cybersecurity. HSB faculty and staff are working to help students become creative problem solvers and skilled decision makers. The Business School is also seeking funding to enhance programming and research surrounding cyber security issues and business analytics. HSB is eager to impact these growing areas of national conversation and concern.
- Endow chairs and professorships enabling the Business School to recruit and retain faculty members who are national leaders capable of bringing innovative teaching related to business analytics to the classroom and who produce impactful research
- Generate new experiential learning opportunities that are multidisciplinary
The Business School is nationally known for producing alumni who excel as capable, critically thinking professionals as well as leaders with a deep commitment to ethical practices. To further enhance the resources of our faculty and staff in teaching and researching the role of ethics and leadership in the marketplace, HSB is seeking funding to advance research and the national discussions surrounding ethical leadership. Central to this enterprise are the development of an Institute for Principled Leadership that will lead new academic programming, increase faculty positions and new opportunities for research in the field.
- Endow chairs and professorships to grow programs and to address critically important issues through research
- Endow an Executive in Residence position, to provide a long-term source that will bring seasoned executives to the Baylor campus as a resource to both students and faculty
- Generate seed funds for programs to enhance leadership development across HSB programs
$125 million—Goal for Hankamer School of Business
- $25 million endowed scholarship support
- $25 million endowed departmental and program funds
- $75 million creating/enhancing programmatic infrastructure
$1.1 billion Campaign Overview
- $500 million Endowed Fund Support
- Faculty Chairs and Professorships
- Endowed Scholarships
- Endowed Funds for Growth Opportunities
- $300 million Expendable Fund Support
- Immediate Needs
- Bear Foundation
- Global Learning Experiences
- $300 million Capital Projects
- Capital projects add needed capacity for academic growth
For more information and the latest updates about the campaign, visit baylor.edu/givelight.
Baylor Business Review, Spring 2019