The stereotypical view of the Finance industry as a cut-and-dried by-the-numbers discipline couldn’t be farther from the truth.
In this issue, we reveal how professionals in the financial services, real estate and insurance industries are providing creative solutions to problems and opportunities that they encounter. We even take the liberty of having a little fun with the language of finance, ala Grimm’s fairy tales.
As usual, we aren’t afraid to bring you some controversy on our pages. We’ve given the U.S. Treasury Secretary and the president of the AARP equal time to present their very different viewpoints on a topic that has been hotly debated in the national media, the Congress and around water coolers all over the United States: Social Security. Go online to the magazine’s Web site to vote for the side of the issue on which you stand and voice your opinions.
I’m happy to report to those of you with a Baylor BBA that your degree is now more valuable than ever, regardless of what year you received it. This is because the U.S. News & World Report’s new rankings for undergraduate colleges were just released and the Hankamer School of Business has climbed in the rankings. We are now ranked 12th among business schools without a doctorate program, 24th among business schools at private universities and 66th among all business schools. Compared to our ranking in 77th place last year, this is a great achievement.
Enjoy reading this issue of the Baylor Business Review.
Best regards,
Dean Terry S. Maness
Baylor Business Review, Fall 2005