There is an unprecedented talent challenge in the marketing and advertising industry, according to a 2017 survey by the Advertising Educational Foundation (AEF). Potential marketing students don’t see clear career paths within the field while universities struggle to meet the industry demands. We, at Baylor Business, are facing this challenge head-on.
Marketing is the third most popular major for BBA degree seekers at the Hankamer School of Business. In an industry that simultaneously relies on rich data and impactful storytelling, it provides a career option for the creatively-minded as well as the numbers-driven. In an effort to bridge the gap between the advertising industry and academia, the Department of Marketing hosts an annual Baylor Business Advertising Summit each winter to empower the next generation to consider a career in advertising and marketing. The third annual summit will take place in February.
Within the Business School, we provide four program options for business students: Nonprofit and Social Enterprise Marketing, Professional Selling, Sports Strategy and Sales, and a more general Marketing major. As we continue to grow the department and its programs, we have added an online MBA with a Marketing concentration, and we continue to consider a Marketing PhD program.
This issue of the Baylor Business Review delves into many of the facets of the industry, from the value of empowered storytelling to the use of social media as an integral tool in a brand transformation. The Hankamer School of Business faculty, staff, students, alumni and friends are answering the call to the talent challenge.
In other news, you may have heard I am stepping down from my position as dean of the Hankamer School of Business, effective May 2020. It has been my incredible honor to serve as dean of the School since 1997. In the meantime, please join me for our annual Homecoming Reception at the Paul L. Foster Campus for Business and Innovation, which will be held Friday, Oct. 11. (Click here for more information.) I look forward to seeing you there.
Terry S. Maness
Hankamer School of Business