Baylor Business Management & Entrepreneurship Department Reorganized into Separate Departments
The Hankamer School of Business Management & Entrepreneurship Department has been reorganized into two departments, effective for the fall 2014 semester. Kendall Artz is the chair of the Entrepreneurship Department, and Blaine McCormick has been named the new Management Department Chair.
Dorr & Friends Endowed Investment Fund Provides $100,000 in Scholarships in 2014
The Philip M. Dorr Alumni & Friends Endowed Investment Fund has provided a $100,000 contribution to Baylor University’s Athletic Department in 2014. The Fund, which continues to rank as one of the nation’s largest managed by students, has provided more than $1.5 million in support of scholarships for Baylor’s intercollegiate athletics program since 2004.
Established in 2001 with an endowment gift of $250,000 from alumnus Philip M. Dorr (BBA ’80, MBA ’83), the live equity portfolio is actively managed by select Baylor business students. The student analysts learn through firsthand experience the amount of research and analysis that goes into stock selection.
Baylor Accounting Hosts Business Conference for Ugandan Pastors
Baylor University’s Accounting & Business Law department, in conjunction with Pastors Discipleship Network (PDN), hosted the “Mastering of the Land” business conference for Ugandan pastors and pastors’ wives in May in Kampala, Uganda. This is the fifth year the Accounting department has teamed up with PDN to hold business courses for the African pastors and pastors’ wives.
Business School Faculty Member Named Top Economics Author
Per Bylund, research professor at the John F. Baugh Center for Entrepreneurship & Free Enterprise, was recently awarded a position in the top 22 percent of economics authors by the Social Science Research Network (SSRN). SSRN is a multi-disciplinary online repository of scholarly research and related materials. The author rankings are determined by download statistics at the SSRN website.
Baylor Professional Sales Students Succeed at the National Collegiate Sales Competition
Baylor University’s Center for Professional Selling brought home seventh place honors out of 67 teams at the 2014 National Collegiate Sales Competition (NCSC) at Kennesaw State University in Kennesaw, Ga., in March.
Baylor Business Students Earn Second Place at Investment Competition
Baylor students won second place at the 11th annual Texas Investment Portfolio Symposium (TIPS) in February. The conference, hosted by Southern Methodist University’s Cox School of Business, provides students an opportunity to interact with investment industry professionals, as well as participate in various competitions, panel discussions and networking events.
Baylor’s Hankamer School of Business Earns Seven American Advertising Awards
Baylor’s Hankamer School of Business communications and marketing materials earned seven awards in the Waco American Advertising Federation (AAF) American Advertising Awards, formerly called the ADDY Awards. The seven awards included four gold awards, two silver awards and the “Best of Show” award (the top honor of the ceremony).
Competitors from 10 Universities Compete in New Venture Competition
Baylor University’s Hankamer School of Business hosted the third annual New Venture Competition in the spring. The New Venture Competition is a national, two-day, dual round business plan competition for students. The 2014 competition finalists included student teams from top universities including, but not limited to, Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Yale University and Baylor.
Baylor Business Review, Fall 2014